We've been using the USB1408FS in single-ended input mode for some time now with no issues and then yesterday we blew a microcontroller. Replaced it and then blew another one and never suspected the USB1408FS but when we measured the open voltage on channels 02, 03 and 04, they all had roughly 1.4VDC on them. None of the other channels have this. They are all at zero with nothing connected. Any ideas what might be going on with the device?
We've been using the USB1408FS in single-ended input mode for some time now with no issues and then yesterday we blew a microcontroller. Replaced it and then blew another one and never suspected the USB1408FS but when we measured the open voltage on channels 02, 03 and 04, they all had roughly 1.4VDC on them. None of the other channels have this. They are all at zero with nothing connected. Any ideas what might be going on with the device?
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