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instacal crashes when start configuration of USB-Temp



Hello together,  

I have a USB temp that causes problems when connecting to the PC. When starting the configuration via instacal, instacal crashes. The LED of the device lights up when it is connected. The device was still working a short time ago. When connecting to another computer, the same thing happens. Of course I have installed all the latest drivers beforehand. Also, the dialogue that the device is ready is displayed after the first connection. What could be the error and how could it be fixed?

Thank you very much in advance


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4 answers to this question

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Hello @DNZ.

From what you posted, the USB-TEMP was working on your target system (Windows OS?), with the latest drivers (InstaCal v6.73?), recently.  https://www.mccdaq.com/Software-Downloads 

You tested the module with a different system and was able to reproduce the crash.  Was there a recent OS update on both systems?  Do you have a custom application, for the USB-TEMP, installed on both systems?  If cannot think of any other changes, then your USB-TEMP may be damaged.  Do you have a second USB-TEMP module to test with your systems?  

You could also test your USB-TEMP module with MCC's DAQami application, if you have it installed.


Lastly, please reply with your module's serial number; either from InstaCal or the backside label.




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Hello Fausto,

thank you very much for the quick answer.
Yes, I have tested it with the current version. I tested it with Insatcal on three different computers without success. No OS update. I am currently working on a Labview application in which the USB-Temp is implemented. The error suddenly occurred (after I was already able to successfully establish communication and read data). Every time I put the physical channel into my block diagram, Labview crashed.  I was also able to do the configuration via Instacal without any problems. Since last Friday nothing worked.
Here is the serial number: 181609E

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Please confirm that you only have one application running that is communicating with the USB-TEMP module.  Before launching InstaCal, LabVIEW should not be running and vice versa.  Your serial number is 10 years old.  I will send you a private message with a repair quote.


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