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Analog Discovery 2 - Advertisement




I need some clarifications about  Digilent Analog Discovery 2.

As advertised on the Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgQVBfNdJ2o1- The Wave Forms 2015 with Analog Discovery 2 Should have a Volt Meter , so where is it ??? 


2- Also the video is showing frequency Response at 50 MHz, when I try to edit the Wave Forms 2015 , I can't enter a value over 10 MHz but in the video it's showing that he entered 50 MHz in stop Frequency. (check the photo with the Red Arrow which is captured from the Video.)

3- My Analog Discovery 2 is dropping below - 3db at around 6 MHz .....?? (check the other picture below )


What is wrong??? I need and answer Please.

Thank You



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8 answers to this question

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1. Since that video few more features were added to the Voltmeter and got renamed to Data Logger. Earlier voltmeter functionality is still available in this tool.

2. The Network Analyzer maximum frequency for public usage, to not to mislead due to damping, is limited to 10MHz (with Analog Discovery) .
You have instructions in private message on how to enable 25/50MHz analysis.

3. In case you are using the wire kit, make sure the negative inputs of the scope channels are connected to ground.
To improve the signal quality twist the scope positive and negative wires, and the wavegen with ground.
The Wavegen -3dB limit should be around 9Mhz with the wire kit:

The -3dB 37MHz for Scope is obtained using external AWG and BNC adapter:

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Thanks Attila , for the Reply,


One last question  I'm still getting below - 3db using the AWG and Network analyzer embedded in the Analog Discovery 2,

as you can see in the graphs the Analog Discovery 2 hits the -3db point at around 6.2 MHZ ,

I'm using the BNC adapter board and 100MHz Probe 1X/10X and re-calibrated the probes to make sure they are not damaged / out of calibration.

so what I'm doing wrong here 





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What you see is the AWG bandwidth.

In the reference manual -3dB @ 12MHz a BNC cable was used, not probe.

I have repeated the experiment with BNC adapter with 2 probes (3.3MHz), 1 probe (6.4MHz) and wire kit with twisted wires (1+/1- and W1/GND) (8.7MHz).i9.png

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I feel So Stupid Right Now ,


lol , I actually got it better than that (Check the attached photos ) , so the - 3db point was at around 13 MHz , so that is pretty much good for me now ,

I used just a BNC cable direct connection to the channel 1 with BNC Adapter board with AWG Channel set to 0 Ohm Resistance and same response if Scope Channel set to AC or DC coupling (just a little change ) .


attila , thanks for the reply , and so sorry that I didn't catch that in the manual 



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