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Are the analog outputs updated simultaneously from USB-2627?



The user manual and datasheet for USB-2627 states that it is capable of simultaneous analog output, whereas ULHelp.chm shows no SIMULTANEOUS option for AOutScan() (USB-2627).

Q1. Does USB-2627 support simultaneous analog outputs on all channels?

Q2. If so, does AOutScan() function properly with SIMULTANEOUS option?

Thank you.

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3 answers to this question

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Hello @sonbeing.

The USB-2627 has four 16-bit, 1 MHz analog output channels (XDAC0 to XDAC3).  All outputs can be updated at 1 MS/s, regardless of the number of channels in a scan, when set to hardware paced.  A 'simultaneous' scan option in software is not supported.



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Thank you for you answer. In fact, I'm developing a S/W for use with USB-2627 or USB-1616HS-4. I was hoping that the code would work with either DAQ without modification.

Could you please check the following statements?


- All outputs included in a scan are always updated simultaneously. SIMULTANEOUS option is not supported.


- All outputs included in a scan are always updated simultaneously, only if SIMULTANEOUS option is selected.


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