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petalinux-build for ZYBO



Dear Experts,

I am 3days beginner of petalinux
and would like to ask for help about petalinux for ZYBO.

I have tried to build petalinux for ZYBO but failed as the attached.
It would be much appreciated if you would kindly give me
some help, hints, comments, and/or pointers.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Here is the list of tools and versions.
  * Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-87-generic x86_64)
  * Vivado 2015.4
  * petalinux-v2016.2-final
  * Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4.bsp

The commands are as follows:

$ petalinux-create -t project -s /opt/Xilinx/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4.bsp
    (skip...successfully done.)

$ petalinux-build
WARNING: Your PetaLinux project was last modified by PetaLinux SDK version "2015.4",
WARNING: however, you are using PetaLinux SDK version "2016.2".
Please input "y" to continue. Otherwise it will exit![n]y
    (skip...First build without extra configuration is successfully done.)
    (BOOT.BIN and image.ub work well on my ZYBO)

$ petalinuc-config -c rootfs
    (select dropbear-openssh-sftp-server and save config.)
    (skip...it seems to be successfully done.)

$ petalinux-build
INFO: Checking component...
INFO: Generating make files and build linux
INFO: Generating make files for the subcomponents of linux
WARNING: /home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/kernel/download/linux-digilent already exists.
WARNING: Not fetching from remote url!
WARNING: If you want to get a fresh copy, please run 'petalinux-build -c <COMPONENT> -x mrproper'
WARNING: /home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/download/u-boot-digilent already exists.
WARNING: Not fetching from remote url!
WARNING: If you want to get a fresh copy, please run 'petalinux-build -c <COMPONENT> -x mrproper'
INFO: Building linux
[INFO ] build linux/u-boot
[ERROR] make[3]: *** [u-boot] Error 1
[ERROR] make[2]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
[ERROR] make[1]: *** [/home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/u-boot-digilent/u-boot] Error 2
ERROR: Failed to build linux

$ tail -12 build/build.log
[ALL  ]   LD      u-boot
[ALL  ] drivers/net/phy/built-in.o: In function `miiphy_reset':
[ALL  ] /home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/src/u-boot-digilent/drivers/net/phy/phy.c:792: multiple definition of `miiphy_reset'
[ALL  ] common/built-in.o::(.text.miiphy_reset+0x0): first defined here
[ERROR] make[3]: *** [u-boot] Error 1
[ALL  ] make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/u-boot-digilent'
[ERROR] make[2]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
[ALL  ] make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/src/u-boot-digilent'
[ERROR] make[1]: *** [/home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/u-boot-digilent/u-boot] Error 2
[ALL  ] make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot'
[ALL  ] make: *** [sub_build_component_/none/u-boot/single/remote] Error 2
[ALL  ] make: Leaving directory `/home/izumi/pltest/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux'

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6 answers to this question

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This may not be the cause of your problem but petalinux-build is know to fail if the correct 32-bit libraries are not installed. Try installing them with this command:

sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc++6

Hope this helps!


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Dear BKallaher,

Thanks so much for your kind help.

Following your instruction, I have apt-got and installed the 32bit libraries and tried again. But unfortunately the result is the same.

I have deleted the project folder first and created, configured, and built the project again. The build.log indicates the same error about miiphy_reset.

Should I re-install PetaLinux tools after installation of the 32bit libraries?

Or, I would like to welcome another options and/or comments for the trouble.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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Dear BKallaher,

Thanks for your help. That's it!

The specified older version seems to work fine. I confirmed that ssh, ftp, and nfs works fine on my ZYBO.

I should not ignore the warning of the different versions. Now I know PetaLinux tools are very sensitive to version.

There are some messages of troubles as attached. I wish they could be ignored....

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

izumi@rsl-op780w7-03:~$  /opt/petalinux-v2015.4-final/settings.sh
PetaLinux environment set to '/opt/petalinux-v2015.4-final'
INFO: Checking free disk space
INFO: Checking installed tools
INFO: Checking installed development libraries
INFO: Checking network and other services

izumi@rsl-op780w7-03:~$ petalinux-create -t project -s /opt/Xilinx/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4.bsp
INFO: Create project: 
INFO: Projects: 
INFO:     * Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4
INFO: has been successfully installed to /home/izumi/
INFO: New project successfully created in /home/izumi/

izumi@rsl-op780w7-03:~$ cd Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/

izumi@rsl-op780w7-03:~/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4$ petalinux-config -c rootfs

    (select dropbear's server)

INFO: Checking component...
INFO: Config linux/rootfs
[INFO ] config linux/rootfs
configuration written to /home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/subsystems/linux/configs/rootfs/config

*** End of the configuration.
*** Execute 'make' to start the build or try 'make help'.

fatal: Operation not supported by protocol.
Unexpected end of command stream

Cloning into '/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/kernel/download/linux-digilent'...
remote: Counting objects: 4091553, done.
remote: Total 4091553 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4091553
Receiving objects: 100% (4091553/4091553), 877.48 MiB | 2.79 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3442346/3442346), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (49606/49606), done.
Note: checking out '86b46b6606eea44c59af56b732e5393f2eb0adce'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 86b46b6... drm: xilinx: fb: Get vblank before waiting
fatal: Operation not supported by protocol.
Unexpected end of command stream

Cloning into '/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/download/u-boot-digilent'...
remote: Counting objects: 382092, done.
remote: Total 382092 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 382092
Receiving objects: 100% (382092/382092), 91.79 MiB | 1.69 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (306792/306792), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (11306/11306), done.
Note: checking out '4dd0f06c46085cacc607dabbdf288bef6ad67115'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b new_branch_name

HEAD is now at 4dd0f06... configs: zynq-common: Add uEnv.txt support
webtalk failed:PetaLinux statistics:extra lines detected:notsent_nofile!
webtalk failed:Failed to get PetaLinux usage statistics!

izumi@rsl-op780w7-03:~/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4$ petalinux-build
INFO: Checking component...
INFO: Generating make files and build linux
INFO: Generating make files for the subcomponents of linux
WARNING: /home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/kernel/download/linux-digilent already exists.
WARNING: Not fetching from remote url!
WARNING: If you want to get a fresh copy, please run 'petalinux-build -c <COMPONENT> -x mrproper'
WARNING: /home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/u-boot/download/u-boot-digilent already exists.
WARNING: Not fetching from remote url!
WARNING: If you want to get a fresh copy, please run 'petalinux-build -c <COMPONENT> -x mrproper'

INFO: Building linux
[INFO ] pre-build linux/rootfs/console-blank
[INFO ] pre-build linux/rootfs/fwupgrade


[INFO ] install linux/kernel
[INFO ] Package HDF bitstream
webtalk failed:PetaLinux statistics:extra lines detected:notsent_nofile!
webtalk failed:Failed to get PetaLinux usage statistics!

izumi@rsl-op780w7-03:~/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4$ tail build/build.log
[ALL  ] petalinux-reloc-blob -l 0 -i /home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/images/linux/u-boot.elf -o /home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/images/linux/u-boot-s
[ALL  ] INFO: Payload load address:0x04000000
[ALL  ] INFO: Payload size: 434496
[ALL  ] INFO: Jump offset:0x00000000
[ALL  ] [ -d "/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/images/linux/" ] || mkdir -p "/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/images/linux/"
[INFO ] Package HDF bitstream
[ALL  ] hdf_file="/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/subsystems/linux/hw-description/system.hdf";     if [ -f "${hdf_file}" ]; then         bit_file=$(petalinux-util --find-hdf-bitstream --hdf-file "${hdf_file}");         if [ -n "${bit_file}" ]; then             unzip -o "${hdf_file}" "${bit_file}" -d "/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/images/linux/" > /dev/null;         fi;     else         level=; if [ -z "${level}" ]; then level=0; fi; echo "No HDF is provided. Skip packaging bitstream." | log_progress INFO ${level};     fi
[ALL  ] tftpboot=$(grep -e "^CONFIG_SUBSYSTEM_TFTPBOOT_DIR=" "/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/subsystems/linux/config" | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' | tr -d '"');     if [ "${TFTPDIR_DISABLE}" != "TRUE" ]; then         rsync -a "/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/images/linux"/* "${tftpboot}/";         if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then             level=; if [ -z "${level}" ]; then level=0; fi; echo "Failed to copy images to TFTPBOOT ${tftpboot}" | log_progress INFO ${level};         fi;     fi
[ALL  ] make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux'
[ALL  ] make: Leaving directory `/home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux'

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Those warnings can be safely ignored. Here is an explanation of what they mean:

On 8/6/2016 at 3:28 PM, izumitomonori said:

fatal: Operation not supported by protocol.
Unexpected end of command stream

This is saying that the git archive command is not supported. The program then falls back to using

git clone <repository>


On 8/6/2016 at 3:28 PM, izumitomonori said:

webtalk failed:PetaLinux statistics:extra lines detected:notsent_nofile!
webtalk failed:Failed to get PetaLinux usage statistics!

This says that webtalk was unable to communicate with the server. This is only so that Xilinx can track anonymous usage of their software. If you want to disable webtalk so you don't see the warning again fun this command:

petalinux-util --webtalk off


On 8/6/2016 at 3:28 PM, izumitomonori said:

WARNING: /home/izumi/Digilent-Zybo-Linux-BD-v2015.4/build/linux/kernel/download/linux-digilent already exists.
WARNING: Not fetching from remote url!
WARNING: If you want to get a fresh copy, please run 'petalinux-build -c <COMPONENT> -x mrproper'

This last warning is just informing you that it will use the already cloned repository instead of fetching the latest from github. This is to save time as the repositories are large at can take time to download depending on your internet connection.

Have fun with PetaLinux


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