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New Zybo-Z7 user with a question


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I'm using 2022.2 which may or may not like Pmods apparently. So I'm trying to use an 8LED Pmod with a generic AXI GPIO. This is added to the first Digilent tutorial for the board. By analogy I added code to the main.c to handle the additional hardware. So far no luck in spite of having hardware and software which compiles and runs the onboard LEDs as expected. I made the changes to the .xdc file to activate the pins of JE and in order to get the software to compile added the necessary lines to the xparameters.h. I don't understand why what I've done doesn't cause voltages to show up on the pins of JE. The board schematics don't seem to indicate anything between the pinout of the FPGA and JE.

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Hi @cb02, welcome to the forums,

To confirm, what changes did you make to the xparameters header? This file shouldn't need to be modified - It describes the IPs that exist in the hardware project. Changes could make things not work correctly, like not being able to find an IP in the memory space after changing its base address definition.

The typical process for making changes to a hardware project and bringing them back up to Vivado would be to regenerate the bitstream, reexport the XSA file, then update the platform project's hardware specification, make any necessary software changes to application source, rebuild everything, and run in hardware. The "baremetal update specification" section of this page details this process: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic:guides:using-github-releases#baremetal_update_specification



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