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Guida motore passo passo con USB-1208FS



Buongiorno, sto cercando di comandare un uscita veloce per la generazione di un onda quadra risulta complicato imposturare una frequenza prestabilita c' è una funzione specifica ?


Risp = cbDOut(0, FIRSTPORTB, 1)

For X = 0 To 150000 Next X

Risp = cbDOut(0, FIRSTPORTB, 1)


Good morning, I'm trying to command a fast output for the generation of a square wave is complicated to imposture a predetermined frequency there 'is a specific function ?

Risp = cbDOut(0, FIRSTPORTB, 1)

For X = 0 To 150000 : Next X

Risp = cbDOut(0, FIRSTPORTB, 1)

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Hello @Tullio83.

The USB-1208FS does not support a hardware paced (clocked) digital output, only a software paced output as you have discovered.


If a 0-4V square wave is acceptable for your application, then you can use the hardware paced analog output channel.  Fill your output data buffer with 0V & 4V values.  If developing in Windows, please reference the UL Help for the supported analog output scan function and examples.






MCC Knowledgebase article:  https://kb.mccdaq.com/KnowledgebaseArticle50503.aspx




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Ciao Fausto, intanto grazie per la dritta, anche se mi trovo in difficoltà

La funzione che trovo é diversa de quella in descritta e gli esempi elencati non trattano AutoScan

Declare Function cbAOutScan Lib "cbw32.dll" (ByVal BoardNum&, ByVal LowChan&, ByVal HighChan&, ByVal CBCount&, CBRate&, ByVal Gain&, ByVal MemHandle&, ByVal Options&) As Long

Se mi puoi dare una dritta, te ne sono grato, e da poco che lavoro con queste librerie.



Hello Fausto, meanwhile thanks for the tip, even if I'm in trouble

The function I find is different from the one described and the examples listed do not deal with AutoScan

Declare Function cbAOutScan Lib "cbw32.dll" (ByVal BoardNum&, ByVal LowChan&, ByVal HighChan&, ByVal CBCount&, CBRate&, ByVal Gain&, ByVal MemHandle&, ByVal Options&) As Long

If you can give me a tip, I'm grateful, and recently that I work with these libraries.

Thank you

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Hello @Tullio83.

The example posted in the suggested MCC Knowledgebase article is a VB.NET example.  Which programming language are you using?

On your system with the installed MCC software, browse to the 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Measurement Computing\DAQ\C\Sample32' directory for the 'C' examples and reference the 'ULAO02.C' example.



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Ciao @Fausto!!!

Uso ancora VB6


Dichiara la funzione cbAOutScan Lib "cbw32.dll" (ByVal BoardNum&, ByVal LowChan&, ByVal HighChan&, ByVal CBCount&, CBRate&, ByVal Gain&, ByVal MemHandle&, ByVal Options&) As Long

Dim Onda_Quadra(1) As Integer
Dim Handle As Long

Onda_Quadra(0) = 0: Onda_Quadra(1) = 4095

Maniglia = cbWinBufAlloc(2)

Risposta = cbWinArrayToBuf(Onda_Quadra(0), Handle, 0, 2)

Risposta = cbAOutScan(0, 0, 0, 2, 100, UNI5VOLTS, Maniglia, &H3&)


Ho usato questo codice semplificato al massimo, se come opzione metto &H3& che sarebbe per la ripetizione con un frequenzimetro collegato all' uscita non vedo nulla se metto &H0& riesco ad attivare e disattivare l'uscita in base all'ultimo dato dell' array !



Hello @Fausto!!!

I still use VB6


Declares cbAOutScan Lib function "cbw32.dll" (ByVal BoardNum&, ByVal LowChan&, ByVal HighChan&, ByVal CBCount&, CBRate&, ByVal Gain&, ByVal MemHandle&, ByVal Options&) As Long

Dim Onda_Quadra(1) As Integer
Dim Handle As Long

Onda_Quadra(0) = 0: Onda_Quadra(1) = 4095

Handle = cbWinBufAlloc(2)

Answer = cbWinArrayToBuf(Onda_Quadra(0), Handle, 0, 2)

Answer = cbAOutScan(0, 0, 0, 2, 100, UNI5VOLTS, Handle, &H3&)


I used this simplified code to the maximum, if as an option I put &H3& that would be for repetition with a frequency meter connected to the output I do not see anything if I put &H0& I can activate and deactivate the output based on the last data of the array!

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