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3d models of boards


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Hi! I recently got a Basys 3 board, and well, the cardboard box doesn't seem very durable for constantly storing and taking out the board from it, so I want to make a 3d printed shell for the board that also serves as its storage box. I looked for 3d models and found it here https://b2b.partcommunity.com/3d-cad-models/sso/basys3-diligent?info=digilent%2Fbasys3.prj&cwid=6559

When trying to download it tho, i get this box 


and no download is initiated, even after i fill that. When i fill that and click go to external website, it just takes me to Digilent's Basys 3 site.

Does anyone know how to download parts from that site? or where else i can find the Basys 3 and other Digilent boards? 


Thank you!


Edit: after more unsuccessful attempts to get it from there, i scrolled down in Digilent's refence site for the board, and while the 3d model isn't listed under the design resources, the stp file is available at the bottom of the page

Edited by Anthocyanina
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Hi @Anthocyanina,

Yes, the 3D stp file is available in the Additional Resources at the bottom of the Basys 3 Resource Center; https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/basys-3/start#additional_resources. Any 3D model for our products, if they exist, will be in a similar location in their own Resource Center.

Digilent does not partner with any other website for creating or specifically hosting our 3D models (to the best of my knowledge anyways).


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