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program CPLD with XUP USB-JTAG

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I'm trying to program a CPLD (XC9572XL) with a DIGILENT component (JTAG-SMT2-NC) but I can't program it.

The software is IMPACT (ISE v14.7), it detect the device but the program command is not available.

Do you have any suggestions?

thank a lot


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Hi @LucaT,

The JTAG SMT2 NC is not able program 9500XL CPLDs as per the Supported Target Devices list in its Reference Manual that was provided to Digilent by Xilinx: https://digilent.com/reference/programmers/jtag-smt2-nc/reference-manual#supported_target_devices. You can see another Forum thread on this topic here that has some more information:

The XUP USB-JTAG cable that you mentioned in your topic title I think might work as it is based on Xilinx's Platform Cable USB II which does support 9500/9500XL CPLDs. You'll need an appropriate OS with ISE that supports them of course (the Windows 10 distribution of ISE from Xilinx only supports Spartan 6 devices). There have been a few reports that getting the XUP USB-JTAG cable working on some Linux distributions has been not possible/difficult, but Digilent has not gotten the time to debug this specific issue.


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