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Zybo Z7-20 Petalinux



I am new to vivado 2020.1 and vitis.  I have been using 2019 but with no os at all.  I wanted to learn Petalinux so I created a virtual with Ubuntu 18.04.4 and installed 2020.1 and got the hello world proj working.  even on my Zybo.  Great.  I installed Petalinux.  however, the download BSP is for a different version.  I tried to use the Petalinux Demo but what a mess.  Wish it stepped you through it using 2020.1 given that each version seems to be different.   Tried watching the only video out there and she seems to be just as lost.  Anyone willing to step me though how to do this for 2020.1?

Update:  So I figured out to create a petalinux project and then run the config pointing it to my .xsa file.  which contains my FPGA PL portion of the design and it looks like if that was all I needed I could build it and package it and put it on an SDCard and boot it.  But what about the PS side of stuff?  Where do I put that stuff?  Also, Does the 2019 SDK build this?  Or the Vitis 2020.1?  I saw that you can select linux as your os in Vitis so does it build the petalinux or is it somehow related to the petalinux stuff.  Do I add petelinux to the Vitis solutions and build something.  It just shows you at this point I have no clue yet.


Finally found a good tutorial:

How to create Zybo-z7-20 Hardware Vitis Platform - YouTube


Edited by MichelleNicholes
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So the tutorial "How to create Zybo-z7-20 Hardware Vitis Platform - YouTube" teaches how to create a Vitis Platform using Petalinux.

It uses a Linux VM to

create the hardware in block design in Vivado

create the software using petalinux using the .xsa file
    this is much more in-depth than I had realized. this can take several hours and I am not sure its all inclusive, could not see ethernet support
    ultimately you will partition a SD card and add the files needed to boot up in linux

create a platform for Vitis which given I was using 2020.1 and he was using 2020.2 this is where my lack of knowledge of Vitis failed me.

But the point is that this tutorial did work and I was able to boot my FPGA with petalinux.

btw the user is petalinux.  There is also root and I guessed that the password was root.  I ended up changing the password for petalinux so not sure what happens if you only try to login as petalinux.

Dont forget to poweroff.

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