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  1. MichelleNicholes's post in Zybo Z7-20 Petalinux was marked as the answer   
    So the tutorial "How to create Zybo-z7-20 Hardware Vitis Platform - YouTube" teaches how to create a Vitis Platform using Petalinux.
    It uses a Linux VM to
    create the hardware in block design in Vivado
    create the software using petalinux using the .xsa file
        this is much more in-depth than I had realized. this can take several hours and I am not sure its all inclusive, could not see ethernet support
        ultimately you will partition a SD card and add the files needed to boot up in linux
    create a platform for Vitis which given I was using 2020.1 and he was using 2020.2 this is where my lack of knowledge of Vitis failed me.
    But the point is that this tutorial did work and I was able to boot my FPGA with petalinux.
    btw the user is petalinux.  There is also root and I guessed that the password was root.  I ended up changing the password for petalinux so not sure what happens if you only try to login as petalinux.
    Dont forget to poweroff.
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