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Arty Z7-20 USB Host (J12) Communicate with external PC

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I am trying to setup a simple test application that communicates between an external PC and the USB Host port of the Arty-Z7-20.  I am able to run the example applications using the PROG UART (J12) on this same board, but for reasons unknown I seem to be unable to have my PC recognize there is an external device attached to J14.  Are there any examples or help someone can provide for such a basic test case?  To the best of my knowledge I have setup and configured the Arty board to support both UART0 and UART1, so I presume this should not be an issue in my case.

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Hi @DaveBerg,

It looks like you occasionally mixed up the J12 and J14 assignments (J12 is large USB Type A Host port, J14 is the USB micro B port labeled PROG UART ), but I think I understand your question.

My understanding, as per the corresponding section in the Reference Manual, https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/arty-z7/reference-manual#usb_host, is that USB 0 peripheral (different than the UART 0 / 1 PS-PL configuration pins) is already enabled by default with the Digilent board files with the USB interface configured to act as an embedded host.

However, the USB OTG and USB device modes (it sounds like you are wanting to use the USB device mode since you are wanting the host computer to detect the Arty Z7-20 as an external device) are not supported by default and Digilent does not have any designs supporting those modes.


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