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1.8V signal inputs



Hi I'm running a Digital Discovery from a Linux (Mint 20) PC, 64bit Linux running on an i7. I'm trying to monitor a few digital signals from an FPGA but I never see any transitions in Waveforms.

For now I'd just settle for seeing one of the lines go high but they're all just flat-lined (and I know there is activity). I've set the digital voltages to 1.8V (in Supplies) and messed around with the sample rate but nothing ever shows up.

  1. First question, does the DD support 1.8V logic? (if not I won't waste any more of anyone's time)
  2. Is there an easy way to test the device (it's never been used - may be faulty) that doesn't require me building anything? I'm working from home (remote project) so I don't have a ton of equipment handy
  3. If the DD can handle 1.8V logic, am I setting it up correctly?

Thanks in advance


I've attached my config file if it's any use

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2 answers to this question

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23 hours ago, attila said:

Hi @Paul45011

The input logic threshold can be adjusted in the Supplies tool.

You could test it by connecting DIO to DIN line, generate signal with Pattern Generator on DIO and capture it with Logic Analyzer on DIN line.



Thanks @attila, all working now. Turned out the FPGA only outputs signals when a particular register is set properly (doh!). After I confirmed the DD was working properly (using your test setup above), is was easy to backtrack to why there was no data coming in.



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