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JTAG-HS2 connection to Nexys A7

Matthew Lai


I'm trying to connect the JTAG-HS2 to Nexys A7 and wonder what is the recommended way to do it.
Should I connect the JTAG-HS2 to a Pmod (eg.  pmod JD) but not sure whether to use the top row or the bottom row of the pmod (the pmod is 2x6)? Or should I connect the JTAG-HS2 to the header J10 instead?

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I noticed your question about the J10 port. You could connect the JTAG HS2 to that port (ensuring it is oriented in the correct direction of course) and configure the FPGA that way as noted in the Reference Manual: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/nexys-a7/reference-manual#jtag_configuration.

Of note though, if you are using Adept to program the Nexys A7, Adept does not support flash programming of the board so you would have to go through Xilinx's Hardware manager to program the on-board flash memory through the JTAG HS2.


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Yes I do use the integrated JTAG (the usb port) to upload the bitstream to the Nexys using Vivado already. The JTAG-HS2 is used to load the elf file through the openocd. [I'm just following the programming steps as specified in a commercial RISC-V vendor's FPGA guide.] 

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