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Vivado 2021.1 Zybo and slow ps7_init run



I'm experiencing very long run times for XSCT commands.

I initially note this for the ps7_init command but also the other commands are very slow.

eg the following command takes a huge time to complete:

for {set i 0x0a000000} {$i < 0x0a001000} {incr i 4} {mwr $i $i} ; #write some data in the DRAM

I'm using vivado/vitis  2021.2 on windows 10 and using the old Zybo board.

The HW is taken from a tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl8xCMu39Mk&t=6121s) and want to instantiate the ILA to demonstrate the AXI behavior.

When I run the ps7_config and ps7_post_config commands to enable PL clock the XSCT console hangs for more than ten minutes. 

This is not normal since the same project on Vivado 2021.1 and zedboard was almost instantly running the command.

I add that to run the command I do open the XSCT console and run:


target 2

source ps7_init.tcl



The procedure is faster if I stop the ARM (using the command 'stop') before launching the command. But I'm not sure how stopping the core could affect the initialization procedure and I don't know when exactly is ok to let the ARM to run again using the 'con' command.

I went through the code of the ps7_init procedure.

Running one line at a time I can tell that each mask_write takes about 10 seconds if the core is running, this clearly suggests that the entire procedure can take a lot of time. When stopping the core the ps7_init command takes about 30s.

Furtehr info, I do run the XSCT console in the design mode of Vitis, hence I do not click on the Debug tab on the top right of the window.

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