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Data display out of sync after record




I'm doing my first steps with Waveforms and a Digital Discovery and found a curious situation where single data lines where out of sync depending on zoom.

Have a look at the screenshots to see that I configured a 10 second record of various data. The record has been stopped manually. If you look at the first screenshot the Serial Out and its related Data line are askew. When I zoom in a bit via mousewheel they are in sync.

This effect does not occur after I saved and reloaded the data.

Bildschirmfoto von »2021-09-01 14-20-32«.png

Bildschirmfoto von »2021-09-01 14-20-40«.png

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1 answer to this question

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Hi @Someone

There is a graphical glitch when the record is force stopped with less than the preset number of samples.
To overcome this, change the Buffer the back and forth, or add to Tab... or save/load as you have noticed.

It is fixed for the next version.

Thank you for the observation.

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