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voltmeter script complete example



Hi , have you a complete example Voltmeter script ?

I have window Voltmeter that works well in run mode and it read 3.4 Volt.

I need a script that read the voltage value. I run this


if(!('Voltmeter' in this)) throw "Please open a Voltmeter";

var vPtt = 0;
var media = 0;

for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
    vPtt1 = Voltmeter.Input.Channel1.DC.value;
    media = media + vPtt;
    print("vPtt: "+vPtt+" V");

media = media / 10;
var f = File("data.txt");
f.write(media+" voltPtt");


the value vPtt is always 0 , why ?

Have you an example ?

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8 answers to this question

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Hi @sergiodorazio

Notice that you place the voltage reading to "vPtt1" and later used "vPtt"

The Voltmeter already performs averaging. The DC is calculated based on average of the specified Update rate.
If you want to average it further, use wait at least this amount of time, like:

Edited by attila
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Hi Attila,

very good. Now it'work.

I have an other question : If I have 1 script, from windows command line I can run script by command : "WaveForm.exe myconf.dwf3work -runscript" . How I read in help documentation,  If I have 2 script ,  I use this commands : "WaveForm.exe myconf.dwf3work -script scriptname1" and "WaveForm.exe myconf.dwf3work -script scriptname2" but the script that run is the last script saved in the last configuration and not "scriptname1" or "scriptname2". Can you help me ?


Edited by sergiodorazio
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Hi @sergiodorazio

At the time when these arguments where added the Script had no tabs, only one script could exist.

The next WF version (3.16.31) will support selecting the tab, reusing the script argument to load a file, like: WaveForms mywork.dwf3work -script "tab 2"

Edited by attila
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