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What checksum is used for the Cmod A7 EEPROM?

Nic S


I've been trying to use FT_Prog to change the serial number of an EEPROM. But when I try to reserialize the EEPROM, the resulting image is always invalid. I was wondering what kind of checksum/CRC is used in the EEPROM image dumps so I can check the data?

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Hi @Nic S,

I don't know why are you wanting to change the serial number of the EEPROM, but I confirmed with another engineer much more familiar with the FTDI chips that it is not possible to change the serial number of a Digilent device using FT_PROG, though you can change the serial number of a device through dadutil, which is part of the Adept SDK.


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7 hours ago, Nic S said:

I've been trying to use FT_Prog to change the serial number of an EEPROM

Wow, that sounds dangerous.

FT_PROG is a utility for changing the configuration values of the EEPROM connected to FTxxx devices like the FT232, FT2232H, etc. If you aren't careful you can use it to render unusable random USB hardware connected to a root Hub in your PC that happen to be using one of those FTDI devices. Why would you want to do this to a part of your FPGA board that is responsible for configuration and UART communication?

If you want to change the contents of a FLASH device connected to your FPGA FT_PROG is not the appropriate tool.


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