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Basys3 Rev C vs Rev D



I have a project that I have built for the Basys3. My board is RevC. I tried to give the project to a friend (both using 2019.1) but when he loads the bit file it doesn't work. Same using my machine and the same project files. My 7 segments light up and his do not. His board is newer and is Rev D. I don't see a newer board file for it either. Do we need to move to a newer version of Vivado or...?

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2 answers to this question

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Hi @TPSully,

Any bitstreams that work for a Rev C should work without issue for a Rev D. To my knowledge (and based on the materials on the Digilent Github), there are not any board file changes or any need to change software.

I checked with design engineer for the Basys 3 and the only thing that they could think of in terms of why the bitstream would not work is if you were programming or interacting with the flash memory in any way since the specific flash that is loaded part may have changed. Does your existing project interact with the flash in any way?

Otherwise what you can also do is to test the example projects that are available for the Basys 3 on its Resource Center: https://reference.digilentinc.com/programmable-logic/basys-3/start#example_projects.

Let me know what you learn.


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OK and thank you for answering. We aren't interacting with the flash but, we may have programmed the flash and we likely have done it like the Basys3 Rev C flash. I'll erase the flash as soon as I get the board back and try it without it. I will also try the examples and see how they work. I'll let you know. Again, thanks a lot.


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