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what can be expected for the (nearer) future



hey guys!

I have plans about an upgrade to my bench for this year. (might happen to be delayed until next year) I own and use AD2 and DD, but especially the Oscilloscope part in AD2 starts to 'feel' too limited for me.

Are there any(!) plans for releasing a, say, AD3 for the more ambitionated post-grad people some day?  Maybe a little more buffer, persistance, re-worked frontend or so? Did you hear about desires for a tool in the e.g. 1k price-range at all?

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Thank you for this information.

Looks interessting and I am curious about more details.


I realized on the eevblog that ADP3450 is close to being release. Here are my thoughts:

I am not sure if the ADP3450 is the device I was hoping for.  It really only feels like a slightly improved version of the AD2 (which I own) with minimal changes to the front, merged with the linux system which is something I, personally, would not miss when talking about an oscilloscope.

Scope-wise I like the fact that high gain is limited to 2V input, promising a little better performance with 1:10 probes. Wonder if there are changes to the clock generation for the ADCs or any other changes. I think a more performant clock source won't hurt when reaching the 14bit resolution.

I am curious if we can expect some kind of multi level shading in addition to the traditional noise visualization. To me that is sometimes a really useful feature of the fast digital scopes nowadays.

32k buffer in repeated mode is no big deal I think. Maybe record mode should be used for glitch-hunting.

100 MS/s (ok maybe 125 MS/s) feel like there could happen some aliasing effects, considering 55 MHz+ bandwidth.

All in all I could not wait for the release, but in the meanwhile I cannot notice enough improvement to the AD2 to be still excited. And, wow, the price tag is hefty! I can't wait to see tear downs or 1st hand experience once the device hits the market.

Announcement of an other series (5000) confused me. Really i can't follow the strategic planning. If I was into measuring, say pulses that require higher sampling rate, I would need to buy a highly redundant device. Or should I wait until ADP5250 is available to see what better suits me? That is almost like trying to compete picoscope.

I do not mean to be offensive, not at all. I have that feeling of disappointement :-( Looking foreward to seing more about this device! I love the form factor.

Edited by chrisdoe
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To add to this post, I have been using the ADP3450 for a couple of weeks now, mainly digital and think as far as all-in-one testing is concerned this is a really great device. It offers much more than the logic analyser I have been using before, besides the logic analyser, being able also to generate digital signals is a thing I like a lot.

There are however some things I am missing and would like to see in a future device. The sampling rate and the buffer for the logic analyser are quite small and it would be a great improvement if these were enhanced. As far as I understand Digilent has the design readily available when I look at the specs of the Digital Discovery. Also the number of signal pins could be enhanced, using the DIO connector both for input and output, only having 16 of them is a little limiting.

Related to this, perhaps sample compression is an option to have a look at. I have been using a Logicport analyser for the past few years and this device only has a 2K sample buffer but still is very usable since only the changes in the signals are stored and counted. This device can hold 1K transitions in its 2K buffer and I found this to be very useful.

Would really love to see a future device offering these enhancements, something like the ADP3450++?

Edited by leonvs
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