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Failed to re-install firmware

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First of all, background of my firmware re-installation: I was using my MacBook to power up my OpenScope MZ when I got the error message saying "USB devices disabled, unplug the device using to much power to re-enable USB devices." And then when I reconnect my openscope to the laptop, there appeared a data transfer issue on WaveFormsLive, where openscope data was flat even with the direct connection from FGEN to OSC1, and there also popped up an error message saying something about data loss during transfer (didn't screenshot that). So I thought there might have been a firmware corruption and decided to follow the guide here and here to reinstall it.

I strictly follow the process, and everything was working well until the last step: when uploading OpenScope.ino I got the error message saying

fork/exec /Users/siyu/Library/Arduino15/packages/Digilent/tools/xc32-tools/xc32-1.43/bin/xc32-g++: no such file or directory
Error compiling for board Digilent OpenScope.

anyone ever got the same problem before?

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