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issue: Device tree for zybo pcam petalinux 2019.2



Hi ,

I am trying to build zybo z7-20 mipi cam application using https://github.com/Digilent/Zybo-Z7-20-pcam-5c/releases/tag/v2019.1-1 with Vivado 2019.2 and petalinux 2019.2.

The project from this git is able to generate bit stream and generate the .xsa file; however when this repo is with SDK solution and i want it to run on petalinux. I tried building with petalinux it gets built but the system-user.dtsi is empty.So it won't work.
Do i need to change the device tree ? if yes how?

As its a standalone project and i am trying to build it with petalinux i need a device tree!, also further i want to use vitis for utilizing vitis ai library!

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