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WaveForms Live : Setting Issue & Acquisition

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Hello everyone !

I’m using for physical measurement the Openscope MZ. Everything is ok with the device, but I have a technical problem with WaveformsLive software.

When I realize my measurements, making one by setting the set time/ Division parameter on 5.000 s/ is impossible although it’s operational with other values (10, 2, 1 sec or less).

Consequently, I have to set on 2 sec for having an interesting acquisition for my work.

I tried reset, install different firmwares and Nothing changed.

Is there a solution to solve this technical issue ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @orquesea,

I'm a bit uncertain as to what you mean by it's not working at that particular time division. I set up a loopback system on the OpenScope MZ where the Analog WaveForm Generator feeds into the Oscilloscope Channel 1.

I did see though that WaveFormsLive did not update the view (on a time division of 2, 5, or 10 seconds) until it collected 100 seconds worth of data rather than dynamically updating the display. I will ask the engineer more familiar about WaveFormsLive about this.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @orquesea,

There are a few things going on that I will try to explain to you, that I hope will help you get things working properly and perhaps impart some info on how WaveForms Live is working.

WaveForms-Live calculates the expected acquisition time based off the buffer size and the sampling frequency. After clicking Start, WaveForms-Live waits for this period of time to pass before querying the OpenScope for available data. WaveForms-Live also calculates the sampling frequency from the time per division value in order to fit the entire acquired signal on the chart by default. If we were to set the chart to 10 seconds per division, the sampling rate would be 11.8 S/s, at 2360 samples total (also a default). The expected acquisition time would be (2360 S ) / (11.8 S/s) = 200 seconds.

Clicking the lock to the right of either values disables those behaviors and lets you manually specify values, thereby tweaking the acquisition time via these two "knobs". You can decrease the acquisition time by decreasing the buffer size or increasing the sampling frequency. You should note that the acquired signal may not completely fill the chart, or may contain more data that the chart window can't show.

The defaults given are supposed to be good estimates of sampling frequency for a given time division and the assumed 2360 Sample buffer size. The idea is to change the Time/Division setting to get as close a fit to the signal under inspection you can get with the given defaults, then tweak the sampling frequency and buffer size manually to really clarify the acquired signal.

I hope this helps, and if you still have any questions please do not hesitate to ask them here.


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