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Can't add OpenScope MZ using Diligent Agent

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Hello, I have been trying to add my OpenScope MZ device when using WaveForms Live. I am not sure if I am using Diligent Agent correctly. When trying to add the device, I get the error: "Error connecting to the Digilent Agent. Please make sure the Digilent Agent is Running"

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Hi @JColvin , I downloaded and installed the Diligent Agent. I am on Windows 10. I think there might have been an issue with the installation, however. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but every time I do so the uninstaller aborts because it says that I have something that is using the Runtime plugged into my computer.

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Hi @alockcal,

Do you have the OpenScope MZ attached to your computer when you are attempting to uninstall the agent? The other thing I can think of is that in the system tray (the upward carrot key next to the battery power status) you may need to right-click on the Digilent agent icon (should be a white D with a green background) and have it release the OpenScope MZ or tell it to exit. I'll link the installation instructions we have just in case, but the installation should be fairly standard. I don't think it requires a computer restart or anything like that.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, I'll reach out to another engineer to get their thoughts on this.


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Hello @JColvin,

Thanks for your reply. I went ahead and followed the instructions above. I also went back and went through the installation process again, but I am still getting the same error message.



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Hi @alockcal,

Thank you for your patience. Can you take a look at the Task Manager and see if the Digilent Agent is still running, or if there's any Digilent-associated process running? You may need to kill them here if you still run into the error when uninstalling. You may also want to give your computer a reboot if the process-killing didn't work.

Do you happen to have any other Digilent devices plugged into your computer? Any other software?


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