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Cursors on lissajous (xy) plot?





I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to move cursors from the horizontal plot to the XY plot in order to calculate the phase shift using Lissajous pattern method. However, I have been unable to move the cursors over to the XY plot. Is this possible or not?


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4 answers to this question

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Hi attile,

Thanks for your answer, but this is not what I mean. I the Analog discovery Scope view are cursor.

There are X- and Y-cursors, which I can set manually. I want to know it i can also set them via script.

Regards Hans

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Hi @attila, are there plans to make scope X/Y cursors accessible from the script instrument in the future versions? Even if I can turn them off/on through the script it would be helpful, this way I can define cursors for a specific workspace and turn them off/on through the script depending on my application. 

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