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Hi everyone,

just a quick message to present myself: I'm a professional IT-er and an amateur electronics enthousiast.

My website can be found at:

Some of my electronics projects are:

The reason I came to this forum is that I really like the AD2, using this device is like coming home. However, when going into scripting, I find the documentation rather non-existent. I know 18 different programming languages (ECMA-script / JavaScript is one of them) and I've never encountered a development environment that has so few information available.

e.g. (I'll ask the question at the right place) When scripting a custom Math channel in the Scope instrument: I don't find any documentation if one can use other instrument objects as there are Wavegen, Logic, ... and if so, how to do it.

So, I hope to learn a lot from all of you, and will help where and if I can.

Kind regards.

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