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BasysMX3 board coursework


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I am having difficulty with BaSysMX3 board coursework:
I am new to  PICMCUs, the coursework seems to be dated, has anyone adopted this coursework in their instruction?

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Hi @Archana,

I'm not an instructor so I can't comment on that side of things, but did you have a specific question about the coursework? The materials that we have available were created back when the board was released, so it is true they are not using the latest MPLAB X software, but should still be perfectly usable with the hardware.


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Thanks for getting back with me.  I need help to get started.  The solution files give me compiling errors. I was able to fix the "Missing PLib.h" error my mapping the path of the files but I get the errors as indicated in the attached file.  I am able to run demo files which means my MPLabX installation is fine.  I would appreciate if someone can give a small program to turn one of the LEDs on and also help me get started with Lab1a on the coursework.



Lab1aErrorScreenShot.docx Lab1a.X.zip

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  • 4 months later...


I do not know if somebody else has reached out to you, but as you likely deduced we do not have any direct advice for you at this time.

I'm sorry that we could not be of more help.


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