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OpenScope : 70 ms sampling possible?

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Hi, I recently bought an OpenScope MZ. I understand that the buffer size which can be visualized is limited to 32640. I want to sample 70 ms of time. So I would need to buffer 210000 samples (at 3 MS/s), which is not possible, obviosly. Is it possible to readout the buffer several times programatically so that I can somehow read 70 ms of data at 3 MS/s?  So I dont want to use Waveforms Live but write a program to do that myself (Python).




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Hi @Jentson,

I did a sort of back of the envelope calculation to figure this out. At 3 MS/s, the 32640 buffer will be filled in about 10.77 ms. The OpenScope has a 12-bit resolution per channel, which means we are looking at 391680 bits. To keep the buffer from overflowing you'll need to send all those bits over serial within 10.77 ms. The baud rate necessary to do so comes out to about 2.21 MBaud. The OpenScope runs at 1.25 MBaud with no way to change the baud rate, so you will run into issues.

You will be unable to run the data over WiFi as well. There are few factors that play into the limited speed, but we measured a sustained speed of 200 kB/s over WiFi. I am sorry to say but the OpenScope won't cut it for the intended application you have in mind for it.


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