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How to incorporate digital signal into oscilloscope? to overlap two type signal in the same graph ?




I am getting the AD2 pretty soon and begin to learn the waveform2015. I would like to do the following.Is it possible/

I have two inputs: one analog input which will be read through 1+ pin, The other input is digital signal which will collected though GPIO pins. As my present knowledge about waveform software, these two type signals are going to be display separately in different functional modules:ociloscope view and digital analyser. I would like to present two signal in the same graph,such that I have better idea about events and responses. Would this be possible to implement in waveform itself ?  if yes, how to do that?

thank you.

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5 answers to this question

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Hi, I have two follow up question:

is it possible to add the waveform generate pattern trace as a channel into scope window?

Is it possible to do simple math on two selected channel and presented as a new channel? e.g. to add a new channel that is the product of scope analog channel1 and the waveform generated pattern(triggers). something like doing demodulation. would this specific example require scripts?


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It is possible to export the preview data from Wavegen and import as Reference channel into the Scope. 
The application does not put these on the same plot because the Scope and Wavegen channels are independently running instruments, the Wavegen output might be altered by load...
It is better to capture the Wavegen output by Scope. In case you need more than two channels to visualize, the capture can be stabilized by trigger (like: Scope trigger on internal Wavegen 1 signal) and acquisition data added as Reference channel (like: Add Channel/ Reference/ Channel 1)

You can add simple (like C1+-*/C2) or custom Math channel for more advanced functions (like: log(abs(C1))-0.47*C2 ).
The demodulation is a bit more complex thing and the application does not offer simplified solution for this (yet). You could use the Script tool or write custom application/script based on WaveForms SDK. 


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