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ERROR: cannot open block design



Hi all,

I'm rerunning the sobel filter project at https://github.com/ATaylorCEngFIET/Hackster/tree/master/Sobel_zybo_z7 . But when I load project on vivado 2016.2 I have any errors as bellow: 

 [BD 41-50] Could not find an IP with the given vlnv: xilinx.com:ip:axi_vdma:6.3 
 [BD 41-595] Failed to add BD cell <axi_vdma_0>
 [BD 41-425] Failed to read Diagram <design_1> from BD file <F:/LVTN/example/Hackster-master/Sobel_zybo_z7/project_1/project_1.srcs/sources_1/bd/design_1/design_1.bd>

Could you please guide me fix it? 

Thank you.

Quan Nguyen


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2 answers to this question

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The project you referenced was created in Vivado 2017.4. You can see that by looking at line 2 in the project file as shown here.


You are trying to open it with Vivado 2016.2.

More complex IP blocks, like the Xilinx vdma block referenced in the error message, are typically dependent on the version of Vivado used to create the project. While it is usually possible to upgrade a project from an earlier version of Vivado to a newer version, going from a newer version back to an older version almost never works with anything but simple projects.

You should install Vivado 2017.4 and use that to work with the project. Xilinx has done a good job making sure different versions of Vivado can coexist on the same workstation, provided you have the disk space. So you would not need to uninstall Vivado 2016.2.

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