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Electronics Explorer Troubleshooting



In case your Electronics Explorer board is not detected by WaveForms application try to do the followings:
1. Check if it is properly supplied with 12V and the Red Power LED is on?
    The USB controller is powered by this supply, connecting only the USB cable is not suffice.
2. Check if the Yellow USB LED is on when the USB cable is connected?
    Otherwise, try to use another micro USB cable and computer plug.
3. Remove the board supply, wait a minute then connect it back.
    Do this, to make sure that all the internal circuits are reset.
4. Check the Windows Device Manager if any new device is listed after you supply the board or connect the USB?
    It should appear: Digilent USB Device or Unknown Device.
5. In case you see Digilent USB Device but it is not detected by WaveForms:
    restart the computer, reinstall the application including the Adept Runtime section.
6. In case you see Unknown Device, verify the Hardware IDs under Properties, Details tab.
    If this is USBVID_04B4&PID_8613... Use this application reprogram the USB EEPROM: DigilentFX2Repair.exe
Edited by attila
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Hi @jostikas

Yes. The calibration parameters are stored in the device eeprom.

Which WaveForms version are you using?

The output voltage might be low, close to zero because of current limitation. In case this is wrongly calibrated, you might set in the interface 212mA but the actual limitation might be 0mA.

1. Reconnect the 12V power supply for the board to make sure it is reset.
2. Under WaveForms/Settings/Device Manager/Calibrate/Reset/ you can Load the factory calibration.
3. The parameter table should contain values like in the picture.
3. Here you can also recalibrate the needed parts by clicking on the links in the "Calibrate" list, like Positive Power Supply Current & Ammeter, and follow the instructions.



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I bought an EE and I have a problem, the card is not recognized. After checking in the connected usb devices, the card doesn't appear.
When the cable is connected The orange LED lights up and I noticed that the software has trouble starting.
I tried another card, my computer recognizes it and the software launches well.
So I thought of a hardware failure, when do you think?
I analyzed the schematic of the card, the microcontroller that manages the usb is the CY7C68013A-56. I checked the positive power supply which is OK (3.3V). The signal named USB-ON at pin 52 of this microcontroller that sends, I think, the information that the cable is connected to the FPGA (IC900B2) at pin T11 stays at 0 whether the cable is plugged in or not. But I don't know if it's a pulse or not or if I have to check if there is communication on the D+ and D- lines of the connector before checking this signal. For information, I'm on linux manjaro.
Could someone please enlighten me about this.
Thank you in advance.               

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Hi @nikko

The device looks to be detected by the OS correctly.
I'm not sure how critical the "Resource temporarily unavailable (11)" info is...

Did you install the digilent.adept.runtime and digilent.waveforms packages ?

Do you get any error when you lunch the application ?

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first of all I wanted to thank you for your help.
Yes, I installed the packages from Digilent's website.
Concerning the application, I don't get any error message, it's just very slow to start when the card is plugged in. The only message I get is "divice no detected".
I had the opportunity to try another card and I had no problem, the application launch is normal and the card is detected.

I tried the problematic card on another computer and I have the same problems.


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I bought an Electronics Explorer Board and it worked just fine until recently.
Now when i plug in the board to my laptop it is not detected by the pc or waveforms anymore.
When i go to the device manager, it says "Unknown Device" and when i look for the Hardware ID it say "USB\UNKNOWN"
The yellow LED for USB and the red LED for power are on.

Could someone please help me with this problem?
Thank you very much in advance.

Edited by martin1701
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Hi @martin1701

It could be problem with USB cable or connector, the differential data lines not making contact. Try using other cable and computer plug.
On EE revF or earlier boards, the problem could also be due to erased USB firmware.

Do you have a revF or board?
You can find this info on the bottom of the board under the Xilinx TI logo.

You have the reprogramming application in private message and instruction in the following post:



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Hi attila,

I tried the procedure, but unfortunately the reprogramming tool does not show any devices in the list.
I excuted steps 1 to 4, started the reprogramming tool, disconnected the board, clicked next and reconnected the board, but no device is listed.

Are there any other possibilities to solve this problem?

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Hi attila,

I tried to get the board running again on a different PC with Windows 10 Pro but I still have the same problem.
I also tried a different power supply.

I cut the trace between Jumper 1200, powered the board and connected it to the PC and this is what I get from the device manager:
Device Instance Path: USB\VID_0000&PID_0002\5&39acf2ce&0&1

I then started the reprogramming tool but no device was listed there.

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Hi @martin1701

After cutting trace between JP1200 the hardware IDs should be USB\VID_04B4&PID_8613
To verify if the trace is cut properly, with unpowered board you can measure the continuity using a DMM on the jumper vias.
Still having device descriptor failure indicates hardware issue.

Is the USB connector looking good? Please inspect the soldering and if the internal contact plate is not broken.

You may try contacting for warranty and replacement, support dot digilent at ni dot com.
They will need your name, when you purchased the device, whom you purchased it from (i.e. Digilent or a distributor), and the serial number on the underside of the device. If you purchased the board from a distributor, you will need to contact them about their warranty.

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Hello Electronics Explorer Master @attila,

I recently dug up my Electronics Explorer and it is not being recognized at all by the computer when I plug it in- not even an "Unknown Devicee" or whatnot. I have tried several different USB cables, two different 12V power supplies, and two different computers. All yield the same result of not showing up at all in Device Manager. 

I am using a rev H board. Both Power and USB LEDs are lit. Ready light is not lit, even with switch in "On" position. 

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