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Everything posted by kazu

  1. Thank you for your advice. I couldn't think of a way to combine the target clock with noise. I will try.
  2. Hi JColvin Thank you for your concern. Thank you Regards K.Kanata
  3. Hi I tried to use the “Modulation” feature of the Waveform Generator in Anlog Discovery 2 to generate a pulse (clock) with jitter. However, the desired amount of jitter cannot be generated. Is it easy to load the basic pulse with jitter? The target clock is Reference clock: 1 cycle = 73.24us Minimum clock: 1 cycle = 64.45us Maximum clock: 1 cycle = 80.56us Duty = 50% Please let me know if there is any good way. Thank you Regards K.Kanata
  4. Thank you for your advice. I will refer to it. Thank You Regards
  5. Thank you for your advice. By the way, I'm not familiar with "Pattern", but if you have a manual, please tell me the URL. Is it possible to detect the change point of the BUS1 signal and send "Protocol.I2C.Read (0x00,2)" by using "Pattern"? Thank You Regards
  6. Is it possible to issue the protocol command [Protocol.I2C.Read (0x00,2)] triggered by the change in channel 1 (Hi → Lo)? I was able to measure the time with the script you taught me, but as the next step, I asked because it became necessary to acquire the change of channel 1 and issue an I2C read. Thank you Regards.
  7. I would like to ask about the "WaveForms" script (Protocol & Scope). Use the "Protocol (I2C)" script to issue read commands in succession, and use "Script" to measure the fall time of Ch2 → Ch1 of "Scope" and detect an arbitrary range. The measurement is stopped at that point. I want to do something like this, can I do it? If possible, I would appreciate it if you could provide a sample script. Thank you regards I2C_Measures.pdf
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