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  1. Thanks! I tried 100Hz instead of 1k and it worked well!
  2. Thanks everyone! Right now I am able to generate patterns to do sweep over the diagonal FETs. However, I met a weird situation that when I am measurint the Id-Vg curve for FETs using the sweep script, I cannot get the curve for some FETs, such as those from 0-15--those are just flat with current close to zero. But if I control patterns manually to verify, I find those FETs not working beforehand actually present ideal Id-Vg curves. What could be the difference here? I use "wait 1 " one second for my measurement. Really appreciate your help!
  3. Hi Everyone, When I was characterizing Id-Vg curve for my FET, I got something like this. I Used the topology like this. Basically a common source configuration to measure the Id-Vg curves. I fixed the voltage output at wavegen1 and generate a triangular wave at wavegen2. However, I found that there's a displacement in current between the Vg going up and going down. Theoretically, there should not be any difference between the two, so I am pretty confused by this phenomena. Really appreciate if anyone could resolve my puzzle, thanks so much!
  4. Hi @JColvin Thanks you so much for your help! I will look in greater detail. For your confusion, I think that logic analyzer is the tool to view and capture digital signals, and patterns is the one that generate the signal so that I could control the specific FET I wanna measure. Right now I can control the specific FET by generating the patterns digital signal manually, but how am I going to control the pattern to do the sweep automatically then? Thanks!
  5. Right now I want to use the script to control the digital pins via patterns. The pins 0-4 corresponds to column decoders while pins 8-12 corresponds to row decoders. For instance, if the pins 0-4 have the values 00000, and pins 8-12 have 00001, it means that the component at column1 and row 2. I have a 32*32 array, so column and row has 5 bits respectively. I wanna do a sweep for the diagonal components, with each measuring time of 5ms. Could anyone please give some hint please? Thanks so much! Or some example code about how to use the script editor to control the "Patterns", I tried to refer to the "help" in digilent but errors such as "Can't find variable: Patterns" occur. Really appreciate your help!
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