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Bastien Lemaire

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Everything posted by Bastien Lemaire

  1. Hi @JColvin, Thank you for your answer, since then, I have been able to use the FDwfDigitalIn functions to record a signal on the high-speed inputs pin, from 0 to 15 only. But for some reasons, the logic.record() function (from the test_logic_pattern.py script) still give me only 0, no matter the channel I use (in the script I joined, I used the channel 29, but I also tried to connect it to pin 0 and record channel 0, and I even tried a loop where I used the record function on every channel, but without succes). Thank you for your help Digital_discovery.py
  2. Hello, I have just begun to start using the Digital Discovery and I have been trying to pilot it using Python (I’m also not an expert in Python), but I can’t manage to use the basic function of recording of the logic analyzer. First, I have used the GUI application WaveForms to check the functions, and the pattern generator and logic analyzer worked without problems. Then, I tried to pilot the device with Python and test the pattern generator and logic analyzer, using the test script showed on the page “Getting Started with WaveForms SDK”, or the script “test_logic-pattern.py” included with the modules on the GitHub page. The scripts worked perfectly, no errors appeared, but when I checked the list containing the sample I got from the function logic.record(), I only have 0. The pattern.generate() function work normally (in pulse function), I checked the output with an oscilloscope, and I tried several different scenario to see if it would change the samples recovered, but they were always a list of 0 (I changed the pulse frequency, duty cycle, the sampling frequency, buffer size, I tried with one channel for the input and output, and with one channel for each, and tried several different pins). For those tests I used the functions pattern.generate() and logic.record() of the modules contained on the GitHub page, but I also checked the python samples in the WaveFormsSDK directory and created a scritp based on “DigitalIn_Acquisition.py”, which use functions like dwf.FDwfDigitalInStatusData() directly. This time once again, the device function without sending errors messages, the pulse is generated correctly, but the samples I got are only 0. It seems like I am just missing a small piece, but I can’t manage to understand what I am missing. Thank you for your help
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