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Everything posted by dr.whom

  1. Hi @Jones (cc: @JColvin in case other people ask): Software: GNURADIO (gnuradio.org) is to SDR what gcc/gpp is to C/C++ (see also: radioconda). Much of Ettus' most readable how-to documentation for the B210 (and other USRP devices) is in the form of presentations at GRCON. GNURADIO is written in C/C++ (core API / tools) and Python (high-level interface and tools). MATLAB has lots of SDR-related toolboxes that are easy-to-use, convenient, and remarkably slow. MATLAB code for SDR can be made more performant by spending $12,000 (per seat) on their C++ cross-compiler. I wish I was kidding. radioconda (https://github.com/ryanvolz/radioconda) is exactly what it sounds like: a superset of conda that serves as a drop-in replacement for your regular conda distribution. It contains the latest version of GNURADIO and other open-source SDR tools, and works out-of-the box for Linux, Windows, and Mac, including Arm64. Not just python: it includes C/C++ tools and apis It contains the full set of Ettus USRP/UHD drivers, tools and APIs. What's the catch? Python version is usually 1 or 2 points behind, e.g. current radioconda python version is 3.10.13, latest stable release is 3.12.2 What are the benefits? Radioconda "just works:" until a couple of years ago, GNURADIO was very hard to install on any platform that's not Ubuntu - back then, it made MATLAB a viable choice for SDR. Can GPIO be used for Signals? (short answer: no, and do not connect your TTL output to the SMA antenna port): The relevant page for electrical characteristics of B2x0 is here: https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_usrp_b200.html#b200_hw_ref_ext The 'definitive' guide to USRP GPIO (including B210) is here: https://events.gnuradio.org/event/18/contributions/234/attachments/74/186/GPIOs on USRPs.pdf On newer B210s GPIO header 504 is populated, so you can indeed use it, but not for signal. B2x0 GPIO is used for: controlling and monitoring the 'state' of the radio: e.g., which banks are transmitting or receiving, which lights are blinking, etc. communicating with the built-in FPGA. 10MHz clock ref (which, except on B200-mini, already has an SMA connector on the front panel). WARNING: "RX power -15 dBm max" (from the above electrical characteristics manual). Applying a signal with greater than about 0.03 milliwatts of power to the Rx2 or Rx/Tx SMA connectors risks "magic smoke"-level damage to your B210. Other Resources: The most comprehensive description of USRP, UHD, SDR, and gnuradio tools (somewhat dated, but still basically true): https://kb.ettus.com/images/4/47/Workshop_GnuRadio_Slides_20190507.pdf If you're new to SDR, watch Michael Ossman's video series on intro to SDR (using HackRF): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu0BPYzTjiHru1KmPThmbY-8rRm3EWvUQ You can follow along and do the exercises with a USRP instead of a Hackrf. (Disclaimer: I do not work for Ettus/NI/Emerson/Digilent and I am sometimes wrong)
  2. Me too, for the same reasons... I bought a new B210 when they came back in stock at Digilent in Feb - previously, I bought one in late 2020/early 2021 from NI. Big difference. However, the price has doubled in the interim - that might be a factor :-) Yes I think we were composing replies at the same time - I suggest there's a market gap between the $5000 dongle and $200 VNA :-) ... I shall ... Thank you @JColvin.
  3. (race condition: this was written at the same time as @JColvin's answer above) UPDATE: I did some research, and I think the answer to my own question is: No, Digilent does not currently make what I'm looking for. But should. A 'good' VISA-API (USB-TMC) power sensor for 0.5GHz-8GHz RF costs about $5000. A 'crappy' one costs $2500. Punchline: both are the size of a USB thumb drive. There are $200 VNAs for sale on Amazon that use USB-CDC to provide 200MHz-6GHz RF power measurement. Gonna try that first. Digilent products such as Analog Discovery (*) appear to communicate with Waveforms via the (USB-CDC) protocol rather than VISA/USB-TMC. If Digilent could do for $5000+ RF calibration / VNAs / SpecAns what they've done for Oscilloscopes with the Analog Discovery Series, that would be a good thing. ... and it would be a good match for the USRP SDR product line. Notes on USB-TMC vs USB-CDC protocols, courtesy of the always-infallible GPT-4:
  4. Hi! I'm new to the forum, and I'm trying to find VISA-compliant RF power calibration hardware for my Digilent B200/B210 SDR units (for a lot less than 10,000 USD :-) ). Notes: I'd prefer Digilent equipment if possible: I like the quality of my Zybo Z7, and I'm impressed that my recently-purchased Digilent B200/B210 units are much better build-quality than my older NI-branded B200 and B210. Constraint: I don't do Windows (anymore). I prefer to work on my MacStudio (arm64) and also have Ubuntu (& other Linux) (amd64/x86-64) boxes. I like Waveforms based on running it in Demo Mode, but haven't purchased Analog Discovery * HW because I'm not yet certain if it can do what I need. What I'm looking for: VISA-compliant Calibrated RF Signal Generator, 800MHz - 7GHz. (low power: B2x0 max RF input power is -15dBm) VISA-compliant Calibrated RF Power Meter, 800MHz - 7GHz. (low power: B2x0 max RF output power is 20dBm) The link here describes VISA-compliant SW/Driver from Rohde & Schwarz - it also shows and describes the NI VISA SW/Drivers. Functionally, the main difference between the R&S driver and the NI driver is that R&S works on Win/Linux/Mac, whereas the NI driver is Win-only. Here's the Digilent product page for the B210 SDR if you're not familiar. Does anyone have recommendations for the best/cheapest products (or combinations of products) to use? Here are some relevant excerpts from the docs for RF Calibration of the Digilent/NI/Ettus B200 and B210 SDRs (source): Kinda hoping Digilent has a solution, being the manufacturer of B200 / B210 ...
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