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Everything posted by mpaurisse

  1. Thank you for your answer. From what you said, I think the biggest problem will be the absence of timestamping. If the data is directly passed on to the computer, then I would have to let the computer (my acquisition program more precisely) do the timestamping each time a sample is received. Doing so, I am afraid that the timestamping may vary according to the load on the host. Do you have any experience on that? And just to be sure, do you offer some DAQ device that include a timestamping option? Regards,
  2. Hello there! I am looking for a DAQ device for different applications. I identified 2 main applications : the acquisition of 2 signals coming from to different sensors (photodiodes -> voltages ranging from 0 to 5V) at relatively high speed : 1 ms between each sample is desired. As a result, the needed temporal resolution of the device would be 1kS/s. An amplitude resolution at 1 mV would be nice. the acquisition of 9 signals from 9 different sensors (photodiodes, and temperature sensors), for a long time, at a relatively low repetition rate (2 S/s max). Amplitude resolution at 1 mV is desired too For these applications, the data will be acquired via homemade Python software, on a Windows platform. Before looking at the various models of DAQ, I would like to clarify some points : - do these DAQs device have internal memory? My understanding is that they don't. So basically every data collected is passed on to the computer directly, am I right? - if there is no internal memory, is the maximum desired sample rate of 1kS/s simple to maintain on a USB link? Or do I need special additionnal equipment for that? - do these DAQs have an internal clock? I suppose they do, in order to guarantee a given sampling rate. If so, what is the precision of this clock? In the first use case, I would like to have a rather precise timestamp for each measurement, say 500 µs jitter maximum for a 1 ms resolution. Is that possible directly with the DAQ, or do I need an external trigger for such an application? Looking at the Digilent website, I identified these DAQs, which seem to suit my needs: - MCC USB-1608G : high sample rate, sufficient number of inputs. Question : the sample rate given is per channel, or in total? - MCC USB-1608FS-Plus : sufficient sample rate, simultaneous acquisition (not sure what this means). Number of inputs : 8, so I would need one more, but this can mitigated. Anyway, I hope I made myself clear about my needs and the questions I have, and I would gladly appreciate any help on that subject. Thanks!
  3. Hello there, Just wanted to briefly introduce myself before rushing to the technical forums. I'm Mathieu, and I work in the R&D department of a french medical device company. I am an optical engineer, with a strong laser background, but not working on laser anymore (snif!) I am here primarily to get info on the DAQ modules. See you around!
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