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Everything posted by zelle

  1. Here is the procedure to reproduce: define a pattern, e.g. custom pattern for DIO 0 take a single measurement with analog signals and activated "Digital" scope to show defined pattern digital pattern is shown well as long as provided time base value is used, e.g. 100 ms/div change time base to unusual time base, e.g. 150 ms/div analog scope and digital scope is adapted to this new time base take a new measurement with this selected time base --> analog scope is shown well but digital lines are missing! Is there a technical reason why digital lines cannot be measured with such time base? Tested with Version 3.21.26 (beta)
  2. Thanks and yes, I know it. However, imagine you have two events which are far away from each other. One could define two X-measurement lines and could open two zoom screens two define exact position.
  3. Thank you very much, you are very fast 👍.
  4. Hi, is it possible to see X measurement lines also in zoom screen? It may be helpful to set such line at correct time position. Thank you in advance
  5. Hi attila, thank you for the fast reply. Ok, it works now after storing and re-opening a file. However, if I change the condition and then turn ON or OFF digital scope, then setting is set back to stored trigger condition. I can't see the sense behind this change. Best regards zelle
  6. With the following procedure it is not possible to save the desired trigger condition: open WaveForms activate scope screen activate digital scope setup trigger condition to `Falling` save configuration as xyz.dwf3work close WaveForms open saved file outcome: trigger condition is set to `Rising` Can anyone help me with this issue? My assumption is that activation of digital scope screen will always set trigger condition to `Rising`. I wonder if that may influence other settings as well.
  7. With the following procedure it is not possible to save the desired trigger condition: open WaveForms activate scope screen activate digital scope setup trigger condition to `Falling` save configuration as xyz.dwf3work close WaveForms open saved file outcome: trigger condition is set to `Rising` Can anyone help me with this issue?
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