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  1. Hi @attila Thank you for your answer. We will proceed with the consideration.
  2. Thank you for your wonderful answer. I was able to create a similar screen. However, there was one point that I couldn't quite understand. The difference is that the formula on the "Wavegen - Custom" screen is "-pow(sin(2*PI*X),2)". When set using the same formula, two pulses will be output as shown in the attached waveform. If I specify "-pow(sin(PI*X),2)", the waveform will be one pulse. Please tell me what is the difference in this number of pulses?
  3. Can I use Analog Discovery 3 to output the series of waveforms shown in Figures 1 through 3? Figures 1 to 3 are graphs that divide one signal into different time scales. Figure 1 represents an enlarged portion of the output waveform. It depicts a single pulse of a 50 kHz sine squared wave output at -100mV. Figure 2 represents one complete cycle of the waveform. This cycle will be output at a time of 1 ms. Figure 3 demonstrates an example of graphing three cycles.
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