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Everything posted by komondor

  1. Thank you Fausto for your quick response. Following your directions I now have a working set up using a RPi 5. Does you answer suggest that the mcc128 will not work with a RPi 4? Now I have to work on building a working circuit to measure. Thanks.
  2. Hi. I am working with the MCC128 ADC hat for the raspberry pi. I have two and initially they worked with your demo code. Subsequently, the boards stopped working and I am told "No HAT devices found." This is both on RPi 4 and RPi 5 running bookworm. I do not know where to start to troubleshoot this problem. Can you assist? Thanks in advance.
  3. I am migrating a raspberry pi ata acquisition application to your MCC 128 hat. I installed your board in a new RPi 5. when I run your examples for the MCC 128, I get an error each time a sample is taken. Actually I get three lines of mmap failed 0xffffffffffffffff for each call to the card. The card seems to be returning correct measurements, though. Can you advise me on ways to track down this probem? Andy
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