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Everything posted by Fra

  1. Fra

    How to protect the dev board

    Hi Zygot, yes home environemnt lots of carpets so yes I need an antistatic pad I will buy one. Thank you very much
  2. Hi, just started using my Nexys 4 DDR but I also have a ZynQ one, everytime I need to power up/down the board its very difficult not to touch it ,I am wondering if I am at risk of frying the board with some static discharge and eventually how can I prevent it? cheers, Francesco
  3. Fra

    Nesys 4 DDR Repair

    Hi JColvin, thank you for your answer, I think I will look for a repair shop and I will forward them your instructions so they will be able to identify the problem, I will let you know. cheers Francesco
  4. Fra

    Nesys 4 DDR Repair

    Hi, a few days ago I made a mistake and I plugged my Nexsys 4 DDR to a 12 volt power supply, obviously and unfortunately I fried my board, I am wondering if Digilent offers a repair service or eventually can recommend somebody, I sent the board to a repair service but they did not understand exactly what is going on I guess, becasue they want to replace the usb connector but its not the fault I believe has happened so I am a bit lost. cheers
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