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Posts posted by metalhouse

  1. Hello!


    I have 2 questions about the wiring for the digital output on the USB-2416-4AO.


    I have a 5V SSR that needs to actuate a valve (connected to an external 24 VDC power supply) based on a sensor value. As I understand, I need to connect the +5V on the DAQ to the positive input on the SSR and the negative input from the SSR gets connected to the digital input on the DAQ. (Similar thing for the connection to the valve). What I don't understand is, do I also need to connect the +5V with anything else (like the GND on the DAQ, which would mean 2 wires are connected to the same +5V port on the DAQ)?


    Secondly, since I am using Python, I also want to know what is the thing that I should be coding for to energize or de-energize the valve. For me its a pressure value, but lets say I want to energize the valve after a time delay of 15 seconds, and then de-energize it when the pressure reaches a value X, what do I code for? An example of a code would be highly appreciated!





  2. Hi,

    I have previously received a USB-2416-4AO from Digilent. Now I am trying to use this to run and collect data from my test rig. The goals are:

    1. Energize a solenoid valve to open position through the DI/O port

    2. Receive a pressure upper value to de-energize the solenoid valve to closed position holding that pressure

    3. Wait for a certain period before energizing the solenoid valve again, and then waiting for a period before repeating the same process again for a certain number of cycles

    So essentially, I need to automate the process based on a pressure signal, number of time steps and number of cycles to be performed. I also need to automate the counter input to be able to give me event number for the given time step because I am assuming the counter ports of this DAQ would not be able to read a frequency wave directly?

    Based on this, what software do you recommend? Please keep in mind that this is to be used for a research project at Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada and therefore cost of the product should reflect that.

    Many thanks,

  3. Hello!


    I have a question regarding the counter input port on the DAQ. I have a flow sensor connected to a scaler (F5140 scaler, pdf attached) which will then send a pulse output to the DAQ. On the scaler specs, it asks to supply voltage that the DAQ itself would be able to handle. I am guessing a 12V DC would be appropriate here given the counter ports can handle +-15V right? Also for the DAQ's minimum current requirements for actually being able to read a signal from the scaler, there is no information regarding this in the user guide. I would need this value to determine if I can use the internal pull-up resistor on the scaler or I would have to resort to an external one. Is there any internal pull up on the counter ports of the DAQ and would they have to be disabled here?


    Your help is highly appreciated!


    Flo-tech-F5140-F5141-manual.pdf Flo-Tech-K-scale-factor-datasheet.pdf

  4. Hi,


    I am just wondering if automating test cases is possible using the free software package DAQami? I basically have the following requirements:


    1. Energize a solenoid valve to open position through the DI/O port

    1. Receive a pressure upper to value to de-energize the solenoid valve to closed position holding that pressure

    2. Wait for a certain period before energizing the solenoid valve again, and then waiting for a period before repeating the same process again for a certain number of cycles


    I also want to ask if the DAQami will be able to give me actual pulse values in a time step by subtracting the new totalized value from the previous one? I am assuming that the it wont be able to read the square wave individually?


    Thanks in advance for the help!


  5. Hello!


    I'm a mechanical engineer trying to develop a simple actuating circuit for my solenoid valves using the DI/O from the USB-2416-4AO. My question is related to the solid state relay that I need to use for this. Of course the DAQ wouldn't able to supply the 1.3A current that the solenoid needs and the 24V DC supply would fry the DAQ if connected directly. So I am wondering when my DAQ receives the actuation signal from a pressure sensor, what voltage/current will the Digital I/O port generate according to which I can size my relay? I have some understanding of sinking current but I am not fully confident! I have attached a draft of the circuit I think might work.

    Thanks for the help in advance!

    Screenshot 2024-04-16 131911.png

  6. Hi 

    I have two questions about USB-2416-4AO. Firstly, for the counter inputs I want to make sure if these can measure square wave frequency outputs from a flow meter? Secondly please excuse the trivial electronics questions, but if I want to measure pressure sensor outputs I would not need to utilize the differential setting for the measurement right? I believe the single ended measurement would be sufficient in this case.


    Thanks in advance for the help!

  7. Hi everyone,

    I am a research student at a university in BC, Canada. I am a mechanical engineer so my electronics knowledge is pretty trivial. Having said that, I have been able to shortlist a DAQ system for a test rig I am building (MCC USB-2416-4AO) and I want the opinion of learned people on this platform if my choice is correct. Basically, I have to measure 16 inputs in total of which some have to be measured at 5Hz. The inputs are pressure, temperature, flow (pulse) and position from LVIT sensors. I also have to control a DCV to switch between positions (hence the need of an output) and this switching will have to be fairly quick (take response from a pressure transmitter and change DCV position, looking at response of around 100mS). Would the MCC USB-2416-4AO: Expandable Thermocouple and Voltage Measurement DAQ Device be able to do these things?


    Thanks and regards,


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