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  1. Dear Fausto, I could get correct data using sample ULAI04.C. I compared the sample and my code. The sample code doesn't use EXTTIRGGER option. But my code is using EXTTRIGGER as an option with TRIG_HIGH. BOOL CEchoProbe::SetupEvents(int& ErrStatus, short BoardNum) { cbMemReset(BoardNum); ClearEcho(BoardNum); ErrStatus = cbEnableEvent(BoardNum, ON_END_OF_AI_SCAN, 0, OnReadingEnd, this); if (ErrStatus == NOERRORS) { ErrStatus = cbEnableEvent(BoardNum, ON_SCAN_ERROR, 0, OnReadingError, this); if (ErrStatus == NOERRORS) { ErrStatus = cbSetTrigger(BoardNum, TRIG_HIGH, 1000, 4095); bEventSet = TRUE; return TRUE; } } cbMemReset(BoardNum); ClearEcho(BoardNum); SetStatus(ERROR_STATUS); if (m_lpfnReadingErrorProc) { m_lpfnReadingErrorProc(ErrStatus, m_lpReadingErrorParam); } bEventSet = FALSE; return FALSE; } cbSetTrigger() return NOERRORS in 32bit OS, However it returns 49 (BADTRIGTYPE) in 64bit OS. UL help file is recommending to use TRIGABOVE or TRIGBELOW What do we need to do to use TRIGABOVE analog signal instead of TRIG_HIGH digital signal? Best Regards, Scott
  2. There is another routine to use pRawDataArraySpaceB. We get just '0' data without errors. There was no change in case of sampling rate reducing. I'll test with reduced number of A/D sample. I'll test with ULAI04.C. and let you know the result. Thanks for your help. Best Regards,
  3. Hi Fausto, I'm so sorry to bother you again. Please check my answer below. We are using cbWinBufAlloc ( 125000 * 4 ) for memory allocation. So memory buffer size is 500,000 bytes for each buffer. There are two data buffer. pRawDataArraySpaceA = cbWinBufAlloc(125000 * 4); pRawDataArraySpaceB = cbWinBufAlloc(125000 * 4); As a result, we are using 1,000,000 bytes for data collection totally. Best Regards Scott
  4. Hi Fausto, Yes we rebuild our application with cbw64.dll. We are using 3,600,000 Hz for rate and BIP5VOLTS for range. And we are using UL Ver 6.74. with Win 10 64bit. Thanks for your support. Best Regards, Scott //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This is the code we have been using in 32bit application.... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CEchoProbe::StartMeasurement(/*short MeSet, */BOOL bFilter, float fGuessThick, float fGuessRange) { SetStatus(BUSY_STATUS); short nCurScanStatus; long CurCount, CurIndex; short MCBoardNo = p413App->MCBoardNo; // Grab a set of data from measurement computing card [9/29/2012 Yuen] SetEvent(m_hCalculatingEvent); cbGetStatus(MCBoardNo, &nCurScanStatus, &CurCount, &CurIndex, AIFUNCTION); if (nCurScanStatus == RUNNING) { return FALSE; } int ErrStatus; if (!bEventSet) { if (!SetupEvents(ErrStatus, MCBoardNo)) { return FALSE; } } long lRate = EPMAX_RATE; int AInStatus = cbAInScan(MCBoardNo, 0, 3, NUMBER_OF_INTEREST_DATASETS * 4, &lRate, m_nRangeLevel, (HGLOBAL)pRawDataArraySpaceA, BACKGROUND | EXTTRIGGER | CONVERTDATA); if (AInStatus != NOERRORS) { cbMemReset(MCBoardNo); ClearEcho(MCBoardNo); SetStatus(ERROR_STATUS); if (m_lpfnReadingErrorProc) { m_lpfnReadingErrorProc(AInStatus, m_lpReadingErrorParam); } if (pGenMessage) { CString str; str.Format("AIStatus: %d", AInStatus); pGenMessage->SetWindowText(str); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
  5. Which function I can use instead of cbAInScan() in Windows 64bit OS? Hello? I have been use cbAInScan() in Windows x86 OS for a while. I need to transport my system to x64 and did it one by one. However, I found that cbAInScan() didn't work correctly in x64 OS. I compared at x86 and x64. The cbAInScan returned data correctly in x86, but returned 0 in x64 OS. Is there any other proper function to get Analog Input function instead of cbAInScan in x64 OS? Best Regards, Scott
  6. Hello, I have been using DAS4020-12 on Win 10 32bit. but need to convert 64bit. So does DAS4020-12 support Win10 Pro 64bit?
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