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  1. Hi everyone, I´m new to FPGA development and I´ve been trying to implement an complex number divider following the formula to do that I´ve done multiple attempts as , using 2 sequential dividers and 2 sequential multipliers, a combinational divider and the two sequential dividers, and for last one sequential divider and a combinational multiplier. In all the cases referred before I end up using about 1300 LUTs, when I was aiming to 900/1000, where theoretically i would only use about 800 with the modules (180 for seq multiplier, 207 for seq divider , 400 for comb multiplier). I´ll leave the implementation where i use one combinational multiplier and two sequential dividers so if any of you see something that might be leading to the problems im facing , ill be very thankful. module cpxdiv_4( input clock, input reset, input run, input [15:0] ReA, input [15:0] ImA, input [15:0] ReB, input [15:0] ImB, output[31:0] ReY, output[31:0] ImY, output busy ); wire busy2; reg [31:0] temp_reg1, temp_reg2, temp_reg3; reg [31:0] sum; reg run2; reg [31:0] dividend_re, dividend_im; reg [15:0] divisor; //counter_var reg state; reg [7:0] counter; parameter IDLE = 0, RUN = 1; psddivide_top       psddivide_top_1       (       .clock(clock),       .reset(reset),       .run(run2),       .busy(busy1),       .dividend(dividend_re),       .divisor(divisor),       .quotient(ReY),       .rest()       ); psddivide_top       psddivide_top_2       (       .clock(clock),       .reset(reset),       .run(run2),       .busy(busy2),       .dividend(dividend_im),       .divisor(divisor),       .quotient(ImY),       .rest()       ); // Clock cycle counter implementation always @(posedge clock) begin if ( reset ) // Synchronous reset, active high begin   state <= IDLE;       counter <= 8'd0; end else begin case ( state )        IDLE: if ( run )        begin                    state <= RUN;                    counter <= 8'd1; // this is the start value show in the timing diagram             end        RUN: if ( counter == 8'd46 ) // last clock cycle        begin                    counter <= 8'd0;                    state <= IDLE;              end             else              begin              counter<=counter+1;              end endcase end end always @(posedge clock) begin case(counter)                                      9: run2 <= 1;                   11: run2 <= 0;              endcase end always @* begin       case(counter)                    1: temp_reg1<= fxpmult(ReA,ReB);       2: temp_reg2<= fxpmult(ImA,ImB);              3:begin        dividend_re <= temp_reg1 + temp_reg2;        temp_reg3<=fxpmult(ReB,ReB);               end              4:temp_reg1<= fxpmult(ImB,ImB);       5:begin        sum <= temp_reg1 + temp_reg3;        temp_reg2<=fxpmult(ReB,ImA);               end              6: begin        temp_reg3<=fxpmult(-ReA,ImB);        divisor<=sum[31:16];        end       7:dividend_im<=temp_reg2+temp_reg3;       endcase end assign busy = ( counter >= 8'd1 && counter <= 8'd50 ); function [31:0] fxpmult ( input[15:0] A, input[15:0] B                                     ); reg [15:0] absA; reg [15:0] absB; reg [31:0] P; reg sP; begin sP = A[15] ^ B[15]; absA = A[15] ? -A : A; absB = B[15] ? -B : B; P = absA * absB; fxpmult = sP ? -P : P; end endfunction endmodule
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