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Posts posted by gabagool

  1. Device: Analog Discovery 3


    I am wondering how I can increase the total recording time of the `scope` module in the SDK. I am trying to record and plot the output of a component and require a 30 second recording of scope data. 

    Currently the SDK defaults to 0.5s.

    What I am doing is:

    def test(device_data):
        dwf.FDwfAnalogInRecordLengthSet(hdwf, 30)
        # set up triggering on scope channel 1
        # scope.trigger(device_data, enable=True, source=scope.trigger_source.analog, channel=1, level=3.3)
        sleep(1)    # wait 1 second
        # record data with the scopeon channel 1
        buffer = scope.record(device_data, channel=1)
        # limit displayed data size
        length = len(buffer)
        if length > 10000:
            length = 10000
        buffer = buffer[0:length]
        # generate buffer for time moments
        time = []
        for index in range(len(buffer)):
            time.append(index * 1e03 / scope.data.sampling_frequency)   # convert time to ms
        # Plot settings
        plt.yticks([i * 0.1 for i in range(0, 41)])
        plt.ylim(0, 4)
        plt.xlabel("time [ms]")
        plt.ylabel("voltage [V]")
        #Plot Data
        plt.plot(time, buffer)


    SDK documentation and other forum examples showed the use of `FDwfAnalogInRecordLengthSet`, however this has not changed the time of recording. I also tried increasing the buffer size but no luck and removing the `if length > 10000` buffer check. What have I missed here? I found that setting `scope.trigger` waits until the threshold has been reached to start, but again this just records 0.5s worth of data when I need the full 30s.

  2. Loosely related, but is it possible the SDK has not been updated for Analog Discovery 3 devices? I've started to try use the library functions directly, and trying to get the device name with:

    dwf.FDwfEnum(c_int(0), byref(numDevices))
    for iDevice in range(0, numDevices.value):
        dwf.FDwfEnumDeviceName(c_int(iDevice), devicename)
        print("Device: " + str(iDevice+1)+" : \t" + str(devicename.value))


    Device: 1 :     b'Analog Discovery 3'


    Whereas with the SDK:

    device_data = device.open()
    print("Device name: " + device_data.name + "\n")

    returns and empty:

    Device name: 


    Following into the open function of device.py I see that the Discovery 3 is not listed in the constants module which seems to come from "import dwfconstants as constants":

        device_names = [("Analog Discovery", constants.devidDiscovery), ("Analog Discovery 2", constants.devidDiscovery2),
                        ("Analog Discovery Studio", constants.devidDiscovery2), ("Digital Discovery", constants.devidDDiscovery),
                        ("Analog Discovery Pro 3X50", constants.devidADP3X50), ("Analog Discovery Pro 5250", constants.devidADP5250)]


  3. Hi,

    I'm trying to write a test application for the Analog Discovery 3 which utilises the DIO channels. From my understanding, the static.py file contains the library functions for this, and also the test_static-supplies.py file exists for testing purposes. When I run the test_static-supplies.py test file, it returns the following once reaching here:

    # set the state of every DIO channel
    static.set_state(device_data, index, not(mask & pow(2, index)))

    and the error:

    Exception has occurred: TypeError
    unsupported operand type(s) for &=: 'c_ushort' and 'int'
      File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent\WaveFormsSDK\inc\WF_SDK\samples\test_static-supplies.py", line 36, in <module>
        static.set_state(device_data, index, not(mask & pow(2, index)))
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &=: 'c_ushort' and 'int'


    From the library side, it seems to be complaining due to this in the set_state function:

        # set bit in mask
        if value == True:
            mask |= __rotate_left__(1, channel, data.count)
            bits = pow(2, data.count) - 2
            mask &= __rotate_left__(bits, channel, data.count)

    I've tried casting mask to a uint16_t, an int, and an short but still receive the same result (or variations of it complaining about unsupported operand types).


    Am I doing something wrong here?

  4. Hi,

    Apologies is this is the wrong place to post this - I installed the latest version of Waveforms (3.21.3) and tried to sniff my UART lines on my PCB, however was not able to see any ASCII output in the terminal window. Going to the Logic window and connecting to my DIO line, I can see the UART pulse. I confirmed my UART to be working by using another sniffing tool in the office. 

    A colleague then tried it on his Digilent and we observed the UART to be working. The only major difference being the version. I downgraded my Waveforms to 3.20.1 and ran the Protocol window again and have observed the ASCII outputs in the terminal window.

  5. Hi,

    I am having a little trouble getting the Waveforms SDK included into my VSCode project. I am trying to write some test scripts with Python and want to include the WF_SDK libraries in my environment so the program compiles and intellisense works properly.

    I've tried modifying my settings.json file but have had no luck:

        "version": 2,
        "configurations": [
            "name": "cfg1",
            "includePath": [
              "C:/Program Files (x86)/Digilent/WaveFormsSDK/inc/**"
            // other configuration settings
        "settings": {
          // other global settings


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