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Everything posted by Abhijan

  1. I'm using the Analog Discovery 2 as a function generator. What is the typical latency from issuing the command on WaveForms to actual signal generation on the device? Is there a way to measure it?
  2. I'm using an Analog Discovery 2 with a BNC Adaptor. I want to be able to monitor a signal with the oscilloscope but also send the signal off to another part of my circuit. One way I can achieve this is by using a BNC splitter which splits the input signal source into two channels which can then be connected to the Discovery board and my circuit. Another way would be to pass the signal via the Discovery board. Is it possible to replicate and send the signal received from the oscilloscope onto the waveform generator BNC end? If it is, what kind of lag can I expect?
  3. Hi @JColvin, Thanks for the feedback! I think that was accurate. I tried a separate BNC cable with no attenuation and it seems to be working! (I feel kind of stupid now lol) Thanks! Abhijan
  4. I'm new to Analog Discovery and Waveforms. I'm using an Analog Discovery 2 with a BNC Adapter. I created a 5V 100Hz square wave using Waveforms, but when I measured it using an oscilloscope, the Vpp of my signal was ~ 530mV. I also tried just sending out a DC value and measuring it with a voltmeter, same issue. It seems like there is a ~1/10th scaling of all the values. What could be the issue? Do I maybe need to calibrate the device?
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