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  1. Hello, we need to read A pulses and B pulses from the encoder. We need a list of devices that support encoder reading or support two counters with synchronized channel types. Regards,
  2. Hello @Fausto We found in Turkey an MCC USB-1608G device. What is the difference between USB-1608G and USB-1808X? Regards, Bilal
  3. Hello, We need to collect data from a lineer encoder, 0-10Vdc analog sensor ,2 digital input and 1 outbut. We are currently using USB-6210 NI device and synchronizing analog input and counter channel to get time tag on same time.than we are procesing data with C# WPF app. We want to use MCC-USB. device instead of current device for same task but need to learn which device suits for this purpose. I would greatly appreciate it if someone help about situation.
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