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  1. Just for anyone who may read this in the future: I am running Windows 10 (no pending updates as of 11-2-2023) and instacal 6.47 My conclusion: This is either an issue specific to my device OR specific to the EoL-ed OM-USB-1208FS and as such, I am just going to update to newer hardware (USB-1208FS-Plus) Thank you very much for your assistance Fausto! One of our options was to spin our own hardware interface but I told the team there is no reason to switch away from MCC products unless forum support becomes un-responsive or python support is discontinued. Keep up the good work!
  2. Hello, I did run the HID Registry Update utility but that doesn't stop the popup from showing up every time I open instacal (perhaps that is a clue?). I did have a number of minor issues running the examples for analog calls specifically but i dont know if those are timing issues with the connection or not. I'm starting to wonder if I have a Hardware failure on this particular DAQ. If you plug in your USB-1208FS (which i assume is effectively the same as OM-USB-1208FS?) and just let it sit there, does the indication LED stay lit for 10 seconds or longer? If so, I think that's more evidence to suggest that I have an issue with my DAQ. If the LED does go out, can you still run that script? (when i let the LED go out after 6 seconds, I cant run this script and have it work, If i start the script during that 6 seconds when the LED is lit, i see the same output you do) I have an extra USB-1208FS-Plus and it runs this script just fine every time so now I need to evaluate if we need to switch out all our OM-USB-1208FS' for USB-1208FS-Plus'
  3. I am bringing some old test fixtures back to life which were based on the OM-USB-1208FS. We are using the python implementation of mcculw. The DAQ I am using for development works fine in all cases when I test it using Instacal but I am having a hard time getting my python script to run as reliably. I noticed that when i plug the DAQ in the indication LED blinks briefly, stays lit for 6 seconds or so then turns off completely. If I plug in the daq and start my script at the right time (while the LED is constant lit), everything runs perfectly. If I wait until the LED turns OFF, then run my script, the DAQ LED will start blinking and can handle any calls to digital IO but any calls to any DAQ analog inputs will hang the application (DAQ will stay blinking forever) and it seems an unplug/replug will be required. I need this test tool to be reliable enough for someone who cant see the LED to use. Can anyone offer any advice? Code which works depending on LED status when starting shown below: # START CODE HERE # from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from builtins import * # @UnusedWildImport from mcculw import ul from mcculw.enums import DigitalIODirection from mcculw.device_info import DaqDeviceInfo from mcculw.enums import InterfaceType from mcculw import enums use_device_detection = True dev_id_list = [130] board_num = 0 ai_range = enums.ULRange.BIP10VOLTS #Copied from console examples folder def config_first_detected_device(board_num, dev_id_list=None): """Adds the first available device to the UL. If a types_list is specified, the first available device in the types list will be add to the UL. Parameters ---------- board_num : int The board number to assign to the board when configuring the device. dev_id_list : list[int], optional A list of product IDs used to filter the results. Default is None. See UL documentation for device IDs. """ ul.ignore_instacal() devices = ul.get_daq_device_inventory(InterfaceType.ANY) if not devices: raise Exception('Error: No DAQ devices found') print('Found', len(devices), 'DAQ device(s):') for device in devices: print(' ', device.product_name, ' (', device.unique_id, ') - ', 'Device ID = ', device.product_id, sep='') device = devices[0] if dev_id_list: device = next((device for device in devices if device.product_id in dev_id_list), None) if not device: err_str = 'Error: No DAQ device found in device ID list: ' err_str += ','.join(str(dev_id) for dev_id in dev_id_list) raise Exception(err_str) # Add the first DAQ device to the UL with the specified board number ul.create_daq_device(board_num, device) def get_inputs(): global board_num global ai_range input_buffer = [] for i in range(5): #value = ul.a_in(board_num, i, ai_range) value = ul.v_in(board_num, i, ai_range) # Convert the raw value to engineering units #input_buffer.append(ul.to_eng_units(board_num, ai_range, value)) print("DEBUG: input "+str(i)+" = "+str(value)) input_buffer.append(value) print("DEBUG: inputs = "+str(input_buffer)) return input_buffer try: if use_device_detection: config_first_detected_device(board_num, dev_id_list) daq_dev_info = DaqDeviceInfo(board_num) dio_info = daq_dev_info.get_dio_info() print('\nActive DAQ device: ', daq_dev_info.product_name, ' (', daq_dev_info.unique_id, ')\n', sep='') if not daq_dev_info.supports_analog_input: raise Exception('Error: The DAQ device does not support ' 'analog input') ######################## # HANGS ON LINE BELOW IF LED NOT LIT <-------- ######################## ai_info = daq_dev_info.get_ai_info() print(str(ai_info.supported_ranges)) #ensure in single ended mode: ul.a_input_mode(board_num, enums.AnalogInputMode.SINGLE_ENDED) get_inputs() except Exception as e: print('\n', e) finally: if use_device_detection: ul.release_daq_device(board_num) print("released") # END CODE HERE #
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