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  1. Hello @attila Thankyou for that. I am now trying to program a register from a different page. When I try to read back a register on the page (0x0280) I do not see the right value. I seem to have given the command wrong. The register address to read from is 0x280 and was 0x01,0x02 in the previous case. Whereas the data sent and received is still 8 bit . I am trying to send: 0x02FF = 0x00 (write) 0x0280 (read)
  2. Hello, I have been using the SPI read/write commands to talk to a board that I have. I first write 0x7F = 0x00; Then I read 0x81 and 0x82 which give me the device part number I am trying to do the same via a sensor script and I only see the first write on the logic analyzer Is there something I am doing wrong in the script, because I see a different MISO. And is there a way I can see waveforms for the multiple write command outputs in the logic analyzer?
  3. Thanks @attila, is there a way to do it directly in the script? Without changing any settings in the GUI. Please help me with this. To be clear, I want to directly introduce the delay from the script without using this:
  4. Hello, I am trying to recreate this with the write command: There is a 2Clk word delay between the two words. I was able to program this in the GUI. I would like to know how to introduce this word delay in the write command.
  5. I was able to create this waveform configuration using the digital discovery: Is there any was the GUI would give me a custom code for the same? I am using a clock delay config:and this is reflected when I make the change in the settings and not via the custom code. The code I am using is:
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