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  1. Hello, I am working on interfacing ESP module with zedboard. I have tried with ESP8266 and PMOD-ESP32, but the problem is the serial terminal of tera-term is showing just garbage/junk characters. As per my knowledge UART 1 is used for USB_UART and UART0 is being used for communication with ESP. P.S: I have enabled both UART0 and UART 1 IN VIVADO design and I have also selected BSP settings for UART_1 as std_in and std_out. I have set baud rate 115200 in tera term and selected correct port as simple hello world program for "zed" platform is running correctly and showing correct display. I am using Vivado 2022.1 Can anyone suggest what could be the problem?
  2. Firstly, thanks for your response. Does it mean that I have to make some changes in "main.c" in Vitis for saving a frame in DDR and there is no need of editing IP block design?
  3. Hi, I have interfaced PCAM with zedboard as per the instructions given in https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/zedboard/demos/fmc-pcam, its working fine . But next, I want to capture and store some images. Can anybody help me in clarifying further steps for this. How to know which IPs are required for this process?
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