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Everything posted by Leon18

  1. Schematics are not enough since I probably need PCB layout to check these two board FMC ports. Is this FMC male or female on XM105? I couldn't find any picture for the FMC side of XM105 (AMD only provide photo of XM105 which the FMC can't be seen). Could you upload a picture of the FMC side photo for XM105?
  2. I am planning to buy FMC to gpio converter board for my zedboard. I found the board XM105 from AMD was probably the one I needed. However, I am not sure it is compatible with zedboard. Can anyone give me a confirmation? BTW, Is FMC on zedboard High Pin Count (HPC)?
  3. I am using PMOD (differential JD1) for I2C communication (SDA, SCL). I only have one board so I don't want to accidently damage my zed board. In order to decide the value of pull-up resistors, I have to know the maximum allowed current for PMOD. Folks said normally pull-up resistors should be around 4.7k ohm and smaller resistors are better. (https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/i2c/all).
  4. I am sure the pin spacing of jtag on zedboard is less than 2.54mm because my jtag 2.54mm downloader doesn't fit. Any info for this? How about for XADC header?
  5. Someone posted dxf files here. But is is missing one layer (https://forum.digilent.com/topic/20558-zed-board-design-files-gerbers/)
  6. Thank you for your info. The gerber files is not available on digilent website. I want to study the layout of the Zedboard. Where can I find gerber files for Zedboard?
  7. Agile Mixed Signaling (AMS) Connector, J2 is not the same as the layout from Hardware user guide. It has to be rotated 180 degree clockwise. Where can I find the gerberfiles of Zedboard?
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